(Thank You, Lord, for giving me my wonderful loving husband for these twenty-six years, as of today.) Listen! Let Me give you advice for the future. There are no exceptions to what I am saying to you. Keep Me FIRST; I will then keep you basking in My Heavenly Promises for the rest of your life. Sure the world brings trials your way, but you KNOW, that because of your keeping Me FIRST, I will keep My Promises of working all things out for your good. Do you realize the magnitude of these words? This means that you can stand strong facing head-on anything, no matter how devastating, KNOWING all will be well because you truly BELIEVE in My Promise. You only need KEEP your eyes on Me rather than the critical situation occuring before you. Yes, I realize this is a big thing to ask, but that is why living for Me daily, putting Me FIRST daily is so important. By the time something does strike your peace, you are living so close to Me, that you quickly LOOK UP, CALL ON ME and KNOW I am working right then and there in the situation. If you truly TRUST Me, then you can LET GO of the problem into My Hands, allowing Me to handle it in My Perfect time and way. Learn, dear Children; I have your best always waiting to give you when you let go and let Me.
You only need KEEP your eyes on Me rather than the devastation occuring before you.