(Thank You, Jesus, for the snow today. It is beautiful!)
My own know Me; My Chosen know My Voice. They recognize My leading tender guidance. They feel My Presence and My Loving Care. Oh, that all men could just TRUST Me! The gifts I hold are for ALL men who TRUST Me. I would wish that ALL men share the Divine Destiny offered by the Father Almighty. If only they would come to Me, give themselves to Me, then I could give Myself to them in union with the Holy Spirit and give them fullness of Life Everlasting. Oh, that this would be!
I love ALL MEN and I am ready to erase ALL SIN from anyone who comes to Me, lays down his life and calls to Me. Tell anyone who will listen of My Love for them. This is how to fill Heaven with Glorious songs of Praise and Joy to the Father. Let all men, who KNOW Me, show the LIGHT wherever they go to as many as possible during their life on earth. This is the Will of the Father. Do all that I am CALLING you to do and your Blessings will abound overflowing beyond your imagination. PEACE and JOY are the greatest of these Blessings.
I love ALL MEN and I am ready to erase ALL SIN from anyone who comes to Me, lays down his life and calls to Me.