(Five weeks ago, I anointed one of my customers with Holy Oil and prayed a prayer of healing over her, stepping out in faith boldly believing Your Word is TRUE. Today, she told me she did not have to have neck surgery after all. Before, she was told by the surgeon that she would have to have it done because her condition was so serious.)
My Child, be prepared all the time. Do you see how important your one act of obedience was to that woman you prayed for? Now, because of her healing, she had the faith to pray and share with someone else and now they are both believing for his healing.
My Children, if you only knew how obedience, prompted by the Holy Spirit, leads to further acts of obedience and prayer. Like dominos, the acts continue spreading until more and more come to believe more deeply, find Me in a new way or work for Me with more fervor. Listen with all sincerity, devotion, determination, to follow each and every prompting by the Holy Spirit. In other words, if you think of something to do, DO IT or, if there is question in your mind, then stop, look at Me, say My Name, Jesus, and listen. You will KNOW My Will!!
…if you think of something to do, DO IT or…stop, look at Me, say My Name, Jesus, LISTEN.