My Children are made in My Image to carry out the Father’s Will. Your mistakes, your shortcomings, your failures, your sins CANNOT KEEP YOU FROM ME! I have provided a way for you to enter the Kingdom for all Eternity. I am your Creator and I want ALL of you to live with Me in peaceful harmony.
Little ones, if you have not given your life to Me, if you have not asked Me to come live in your heart, if you have not asked Me to take over your life for you, if you have not let go….. surrendered your life to Me and asked forgiveness of your sins, THEN I CANNOT SHARE MY HEAVENLY KINGDOM WITH YOU.
Little ones, I require ONE THING from you in order for you to inherit My Kingdom. I require your BELIEF and TRUST FIRST, before I can let you see and feel My personal LOVE for you. Please TRUST ME; COME TO ME!
Lay your life out before Me to fix for you. Let Me carry your burdens for you. Taste and see how good I am to those who step out in FAITH to give Me control of their lives. Only good can come to those who TRUST ME, but you will never know of what I speak unless you FIRST COME TO ME IN FAITH.
Stop struggling! Let Me help you because I love you so. Memorize a Scripture that describes what I have just told you and keep it close to your heart. I will manifest My Glory to you because of your faithful TRUST in Me. Remember, I created you; I would never harm you. I allow only what will bring you closer to the Throne of God Almighty.
Be at peace in all things because when you come to Me surrendering your life to Me, THEN, you are Mine and I will always be with you, love you and protect you. THEN, you have a home in My Kingdom for all Eternity.
I require your BELIEF and TRUST FIRST, before I can let you see and feel My personal LOVE for you.