My Child, are you willing to truly dedicate the rest of your life to Me like you said? (Yes Lord, I know I fall short sometimes, but I really do want Your work to be the most important in my thoughts and actions.) Honestly, I need to know that I can count on you. (Yes Lord, with Your Grace over Me, I WILL DO ALL THAT YOU CALL ME TO.)
Be always thinking of Me; I will guide you. Do one step at a time, not thinking of the next. I know this is the opposite of the worlds way of working, but I am your Divine guide and you will only know what to do next when you have completed the present step. Just boldly act in faith DECIDING to do what I ask no matter what the circumstances. Say My Name, Jesus, LISTEN for My instructions, then ACT on them immediately in bold faith. This kind of service is truly powerful.
I know what satan is trying to say to you right now, but trust Me, I won’t let the evil one get in the way of your hearing My Voice clearly. You know Me and, if you stay close to Me, you will always know exactly what I am saying to you. I love you so, My Children.
…I am your Divine guide and you will only know what to do next when you have completed the present step.