(Thank You, Father, for Your Mercy and Patience.)
You need not be concerned about whether what you do for Me will be of any benefit o ot. You DO need to be concerned with what you DO NOT do for Me. This you will be judged on. This will never affect your Salvation…..Life Everlasting with Me in Heaven….., but this will greatly affect your growth in closeness to Me on earth and in Heaven. Service for Me, in Me, and with Me on this earth is greatly needed and expected by those who KNOW Me. If the question in your mind is, “What should I do? ” then just spend time alone with Me daily. I will let you know. The Holy Spirit will speak clearly to your heart and mind. Act on what you hear, praying all the while. I will guide you so that you do not get off course. The Children who get off course are the ones who do not seek My Face and do not take the time to quietly LISTEN. Spend time daily alone with Me reading My Word, praying for others and yourself, and seeking My Will for your life. I guarantee you will always know because we are ONE in THIS KIND of relationship. Too often, My Children neglect Me. As in any relationship, neglect does not lead to oneness. Familiarity and Trust bring us together to understand and really hear each other. Seek to know Me more each day so our oneness grows deeper. You will be an important vessel to carry My Love and message of oneness to the world around you.
Familiarity and Trust bring us together to understand and really hear each other.