(Dear Lord, there is no doubt about Your mercy, protection, patience, forgiveness, and Your sacrifice for us, when we stop and remember all the times You revealed to us Your Love. Thank You!)
ALL of this and MORE is waiting for anyone—everyone—who will put their faith in Me. I do not ask you to sign any document. I do not require you to publicly pronounce your belief in Me. There is only one person you need to talk to and that is Me……JESUS CHRIST.
I want to be your SAVIOR. If you will come to Me, talk to Me, ask Me to COME INTO YOUR HEART, and if you have SORROW in your heart for the SINS you have committed, I WILL FORGIVE YOU!
I will give you the HOLY SPIRIT, who will teach you more about Me as you begin reading My Holy Bible—-My Own Words. You will experience a Peace and Joy you have never known. You will have a hard time keeping it to yourself and want to share it with others.
I came to earth so that you could know Me personally, share Me with others, and ultimately join your family in Heaven when you leave this earth. Your Heavenly family will be there to greet you and Praise God for you. DO NOT DELAY YOUR DECISION!
There is only ONE PERSON you need to talk to and that is ME……JESUS CHRIST.