Dear Children, I want everyone to know how intimate this one on one relationship with Me is. The more man depends on Me, focusses on Me, the more levels of this partnership are revealed. All that I am, all that I represent, all that I have is totally yours also, when you give yourselves to Me. I wish all of you could really understand this. I will show you over and over the more opportunities that you give Me. Each time you come to Me with a need or problem and TRUST Me to guide you and see you through it, this is My opportunity to show unequivocally that I LOVE YOU and that My Miracle Power is FOR YOU, if you BELIEVE and TRUST My Words to you. Hold up your head with confidence, for you have the Creator of the world for a Father and all He has is yours too. Love Him above all in the world because He is singularly lasting.
All that I am, all that I represent, all that I have is totally yours…