From “New Spirit Filled Life” Bible, NKJV, Matthew 6:33:
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. ” Footnotes: “Rather than being preoccupied with material things, our ambition should be to SEEK FIRST God’s KINGDOM and RIGHTEOUSNESS, knowing that as we do so, He has pledged Himself with covenant faithfulness to respond–ALL THESE THINGS SHALL BE ADDED TO YOU. ” KINGDOM KYNAMICS: “Putting God’s Kingdom FIRST is the first step on the pathway of God’s miracles, and you cannot walk on this pathway unless determining His Will, purpose and glory is your first priority as you pursue His CALL on your life. To do so, turn FIRST to His WORD, which is the atmosphere in which you may understand His Will, recognize His way, and hear the voice of His Spirit (Psalm 119:18).
“Second, watch for the little things, the little signs along the way, not in the great wind, earthquake, or fire, but rather in the STILL SMALL VOICE… “
seek God’s Kingdom FIRST