Dear Children, you are held captive because of this calamity that has spread across continents.
Your lives have stopped in comparison to previous patterns. Every moment was filled. Your minds raced to keep up with responsibilities, notifications, habits formed from a technology age, etc. Little time was spent in true meaningful sharing with others. Much time was spent trying to keep up with what someone has set as the thing to do. Frivolous accounts of daily happenings constantly flooded your world. Little interest was shown to the person right in front of you. Even less time was given to Me—your Creator, your Father, your Savior for all Eternity.
This time should be your opportunity to reconnect with Me. Use a little of this time each day alone with Me, talking to Me about your problems, your aspirations, your needs. Give your concerns to Me asking Me to take them and show you a better way forward. Give Me your TRUST.
Let Me reveal to you My tremendous LOVE for you. Take the unrelenting weight that you are carrying on your back and hand it to Me. Let Me carry it for you. Are you are willing to TRUST Me with your concerns, give Me your life, and ask Me to come take over every aspect of it? When you decide to do this, I will certainly COME INTO YOUR HEART.
I will begin revealing Myself to you, and letting you know how much I LOVE YOU. Surrender to My Love! Surrender to My Help! Begin reading from My Word, the Bible, each day. It will come alive to you. You will learn all about My Father—now your Father. You will learn about Me—your Savior, who suffered and died out of pure LOVE for you, so you could be forgiven for your sins and live forever in the Kingdom of Heaven one day. In addition, when you give your life to Me, you will receive the Holy Spirit. He resides in the heart of every Child of God. He is the gift Jesus left you when He returned to Heaven after His Resurrection from the dead.
The Holy Spirit is your Helper, Counselor, Guide, Teacher and Protector. He is the third person of the Trinity, who is with you always. Please use this time to seek to know Me and to re-evaluate your lives. Do you want to go back to the way things were before this calamity? Or do you want your life and your families lives to be renewed, reinvented, reconstructed to be more attentive to each other? Do you want to be more conscious of the love you have for each other and to awaken the true meaning and value of this life you have been given? I can truly help you do that! (Thank You sweet Jesus!).
Are You getting the message?