My Children, so many of them, do not take Me seriously.
What a waste of a life when it is spent running after money, pleasure and holding onto the superficial. If My Children do not begin to look to Me seeking My plan for their lives, the sadness they will face later will be irrevocable. Yes, I know you are SAVED and will assuredly have a place in Heaven, but there is MUCH MORE to this Paradise for those who love Me enough to FOLLOW THEIR CALLING. Be alone with Me daily. You cannot use the excuse that you did not know what YOUR CALLING was because I promise you this: if you spend time with Me reading My Word and listening to the Holy Spirit’s Words of Wisdom and Guidance all throughout your days, YOU WILL KNOW WHAT I AM CALLING YOU TO DO FOR THE FATHER. Let Me show you the HIGH ROAD to service.
COME TO ME! Nothing is more important!
You cannot use the excuse that you did not know what YOUR CALLING was…