(Thank You, dear Jesus, for answering my prayer about the medications. You are so good to me.)
Dear Child, you always have prayers answered in the way that is best for you. Your best is My pleasure! I am so pleased that PEACE pervaded your being during this opportunity to Praise Me even in trial. This PEACE and ASSURANCE is My Gift to anyone who will decide to BELIEVE that I am the origin and the finisher of all that was, is, and ever shall be. I am in control to give My Children the best of everything and Joy even in time of trouble. Pray for others to find in My Word the solace and confidence that will make their lives Joyful and Content. Pray that others will desire to serve the Father to bring in the Harvest just like your brother brought you in. I need each of you to do your part to engage others by your closeness to Me. Let your love for Me spill over onto others so that the Holy Spirit can make evident the one LOVE they have never known.
…that the Holy Spirit can make evident the one LOVE they have never known.