Dear Child, remember, I am the Finisher of Life.
That means I know the ending and all the details of your life in-between. I always have a perfect plan for you. Now, what I need you to do is completely give your future over to me again and rejoice at the unknown plan I have for you. When you REJOICE, even in the darkness, the unknown, this proves you TRULY TRUST Me and I will Bless you accordingly.
Lay it all down, your thoughts of possibilities, desires, complications, uncertainties, fears, whatever is standing in the way of your PEACE. I love you and I will lead you to contentment, joy, and productivity. There is a lot to accomplish in the world for the Kingdom. My Children are the army in this service. Give yourself to Me and let Me lead you to the Father’s Plan.
You will be abundantly BLESSED. (T.Y.J.)
Rejoice even in darkness, this proves you TRULY TRUST Me