Open up! Be prepared! Stay focussed! Look out for those I send you! Trust Me with every fiber of your being. Dear Children, I love you so! The Father, Son and Holy Spirit want nothing more than to show the world how much LOVE is in store for them, if only they BELIEVE.
Make Me a part of your every thought, word and action. My influence in your life will make you a better person to yourself and to others. Living in and through Me, your heart will be softer toward others; your heart will be lighter and freer. My compassion will fill you with kindness and love for others. This kind of living is powerful and will bring many into the Fold. Step out of yourselves; see the person in from of you; hear their words when they speak; feel their emotion. Let Me touch them through you, My dear Children.
…your heart will be softer toward others; your heart will be lighter and freer.