(My Daddy died 46yrs. ago at the age of 46.)
My Children, getting to know Me better and better by reading My Word will make such a difference in your service to Me and in your quality of life. My only hope is that My Children trust Me enough to really live as I instruct and advise. Really be earnest in believing in My Words because they are your staff of life here on earth.
I want My Will for you to resonate in and through you until it becomes you. When this happens, no one will be able to defeat you because there will exist no more doubt or hesitation or questions about Me. You will KNOW ME SO WELL from MY WORD that nothing will be able to move you from Me. The Power I will afford you at this time will bring many to the fold. The Father is CALLING many of His Children now to this kind of walk with Him….in UNWAVERING FAITH.
Be sure to keep Me your PRIMARY CONCERN ALL DAY…..EVERYDAY. This is the Will of the Father for you, My Children. Grow closer; come, be with Me all day long. I am here with you all the time. Listen to My instructions, feel My LOVE for you.
You will KNOW ME SO WELL from MY WORD that nothing will be able to move you from Me.