Inspired by the Holy Spirit during prayer:
*****The Lord does not tell us a time for things in the future. Moses was told to lead God’s people out of Egypt, but not when. Abraham was told what he was going to do for the Lord, but not when. He spent many years at that sheep farm. David was told he would be King of Israel, but not when. He spent all that time running and hiding from Saul. The Lord does not tell us when about things because He wants us to trust Him in Peace. He wants things a certain way and man has a hand in that by resisting to follow or by his obedience. He has a perfect time for everything and we must not let Satan lie to us. We KNOW how our Lord operates. We KNOW HIM! He sometimes tells us the future, but He never tells us when. Think about it.*****’
He sometimes tells us the future, but He never tells us when