(No prayer time…..let myself get discouraged. In retrospect, I realize I was listening to Satan tell me that there are thousands of people talking about the Lord on the internet; my doing it wouldn ‘t make any difference. Later, I told my husband what was wrong with me and then I remembered that these are YOUR WORDS, LORD…..not my words and thoughts.)
(Today I opened my Bible and saw these Words:) Luke 9:41, “O you stubborn faithless people; how long should I put up with you? ” (I realized that this perfectly applies to me, so Lord, I will forge on trying to learn how and what to do.)
Luke 9:51, “…..He moved steadily onward….with an IRON WILL. ” (This impressed me!)
Luke 9:60, “…..YOUR DUTY is to come and preach the coming of the Kingdom of God to all the world. “
Luke 9:62, Jesus told them, “Anyone who LETS HIMSELF BE DISTRACTED from the WORK I PLAN FOR HIM is NOT FIT for the Kingdom of God. ” (This one put the fear of God in me; this one did it for me.)
My Child, holy are My Children who come to Me and listen to My Will for their lives. There is a great need for My Children to tell of their faith and trust and knowledge of Me to the world. Yes, there are a lot of people talking about Me, but too many are not speaking from Me through the Power of the Holy Spirit. Remember, this is what makes the difference. Remember when My apostles came out of the Upper Room, having been filled with the Holy Spirit, then when Peter spoke, thousands were filled and tranformed by My Words? Remember, YOU ARE ONLY PERFORMING FROM MY INSTRUCTIONS. You only must OBEY! IF YOU TRUST ME, YOU WON ‘T DOUBT ME! Continue on in My Spirit-filled Power. Let Me be responsible for using this work.
“Anyone who LETS HIMSELF BE DISTRACTED from the WORK I PLAN FOR HIM is NOT FIT for the Kingdom of God. “