Dear Child, remember all I have taught you about LOVE, JOY, KINDNESS and GENTLENESS.
These attributes practiced in daily living are a sign of your closeness to Me. These you must continue to practice. My love and concern for you preceeds the plan I have for you. You will be a great help to many people, if you continue delving into training as the Holy Spirit guides you.
Do not put anything ahead or above what the Holy Spirit is CALLING you to practice. Do not do anything to hinder your progress to become what the Father needs you to be to carry out His Will in your life.
Just be thoughtful and diligent, obeying the Holy Spirit as HE CALLS you to practice certain things to grow stronger for your Father in Heaven and His Son, Who died for you, and for all those lives you will potentially touch on Our behalf.
Just be thoughtful and diligent obeying the Holy Spirit as HE CALLS you…