Children of the world have lost touch with what is important. This life they know is not lasting. In time, much shorter than man realizes, this world will no longer exist. There is a Kingdom prepared for those willing to believe. It is everything and much much more than man can imagine. This Kingdom is elaborately designed to the fullest capacity of all Kingdoms ever in existence.
I have created and planned for My TRUSTING Children to live forever in Paradise, My Home in Heaven. The wonderful thing is that everyone who puts their FAITH in Me may enter My Home and live with Me for the rest of forever. I must have allegience though. I must have faithful followers that are willing to lay down their life as I did for them.
I am speaking of your daily SEEKING My Will in your life, while TRUSTING Me to completely and faithfully protect, guide, teach, and love you through all facets of your life on earth. You must ask yourself, do I know enough about the one and only SAVIOR of the people of the world? Have I sought Him, read about Him, asked Him to show Himself to me? If not, you have set yourself up to lose in the end. At that point, there is no do-over, no turning back. Your DECISION will STAND for ALL ETERNITY. SEEK the TRUTH to KNOW the TRUTH!
You must ask yourself, do I know enough about the one and only Savior of the world? Have I sought Him, read about Him, asked Him to show Himself to me?