My Children can be certain of what they are hearing from Me. This is a time of grave importance which will effect the people of the world for all eternity. Ask yourselves whether you want to take a chance on the reality of these predictions being true and not having paid them heed.
I and the Father can only tell you, warn you….the REST IS UP TO YOU. My goal is to bring as many as possible, of the children My Father gave Me, to Our Heavenly Home. I want to share all the wonder with you, all the angelic fulfilling peacefulness that exists in the presence of the Father. Adore Him on earth, My Children, and you will get to adore Him in person someday.
Follow in the footsteps of My Son, Jesus, dear children, for all I have waiting for you. My Son is responsible for lifting you above the worlds ways, once you give yourself to Him. He will keep His promises and transform you into His likeness. Just stay CLOSE, OPEN, WILLING and DESIRING Our Will.
My Son is responsible for lifting you above the worlds ways, once you give yourself to Him.