(It is the last day in the hospital after Gall Bladder surgery and now my hip socket is inflamed and very painful. Maybe the position they had me in during surgery or the horribly soft mattress I laid on for three days caused it.)
(Now at home, it wasn’t getting better at all. I started at one point to get teary eyed worrying about being able to do my customers who rely on me to do their hair, but then I said, “No, all I have to do is ask Jesus to let me be healed by the time I need to work and I will be. ” So I did that and now I ‘m going to just Thank and Praise Him, without doubt believing ahead of time, and it shall be done.)
(I rebuked satan strongly out loud and then I asked Jesus to let me know, as I call people who had been cancelled, how they should be rescheduled for my good and theirs. Father, thank You for letting this happen at a time when I only had to move two days customers. We had plans to go to an out of town wedding and so I had marked off extra days. You answered my prayer, as usual. The rescheduling went so smoothly.)
(I have pain, but more importantly, I have PEACE and total TRUST that Your Words are TRUE and I can COUNT ON YOU.)
(Lord, what do You want me to learn from this that You allowed?) I want you to learn compassion and tenderness for the suffering of others who don ‘t know Me.)
(I just finished typing what the Lord Miraculously compiled taking excerpts from several months of messages from Him during my daily prayer time. I did not figure it out myself…..what to pick, how it would fit together or anything. He even put in my mind what message would be the ending as I came across it.)
(This was for two people who are not Born Again. One believes in God and the other is not sure. The former has just found out he has a bladder full of cancer, cancer in his lungs and in his brain the size of an egg. I am in total awe and found myself in tears while I watched Jesus using me to do this wonderful work through the Power of the Holy Spirit, to send these two people His messages of Hope, Salvation and Peace, filtering through all the pages picking so clearly what I should use. He chose them so that, from beginning to end, the messages to these two people was a loving and gentle CALL to KNOW Him personally and lead them to Salvation. All I had to do was type and send it for Him.)
(As I started to type, I asked Jesus to let me know what to put when and where. I couldn’t believe how each piece in succession fit perfectly together with the next like it was all written at one time. Each time I turned to the next section He had me to mark for them earlier, I could not get over how it just continued so perfectly. Lord, this is truly a Miracle I won ‘t ever forget…..to have experienced that smooth, peaceful, easy guidance to accomplish something I would have had to spend hours deciphering and trying to fit together. Thank You for using me.) (I knew the Lord would honor my obedience. Before I started, I was in a lot of pain; I could hardly walk. When the Lord asked me to type the messages He had picked out, the first thing I thought of was that I wouldn’t be able to sit there that long. Then I realized something. I said, “Lord, I bet if I obey and do what You ask, then You will heal my hip because You said that if we are in Your Will, we can ask anything, having no doubt, and we shall have it. So, I said to Him, “I ‘ll do it and I now Thank You for healing my hip. I KNOW it ‘s done! ” I sat typing for four hours and had no pain and I was healed for working on all my customers. His Word is truly TRUE….we can COUNT ON IT!! T.Y.J.)
(You said that, if we are in Your Will, we can ask anything, having no doubt, and we shall have it.)