Dear Child, remember always that I CHOSE YOU!
I chose you to believe in Me and serve Me. Your heart was prepared to receive My Love and YOU DID. That last part is the most defining of all the previous statements because, if YOU had not CHOSE TO RECIPROCATE My Calling you, we would not have this intimate relationship.
All those who are called do not answer. What the world offers is allowed to drown out My Voice in their hearts. Gradually, as I am ignored, hearing Me becomes harder until it is not even noticed at all. In this state, one is vulnerable. Satan has total freedom to dominate your world, your thoughts, your desires, your character, your integrity, your scruples.
Without the Power of the Holy Spirit and My Word as a major part of daily life, everyone is vulnerable. Put on the armor of My Word daily so I can protect you, guide you, and advise you as to the Perfect Will of the Father. Your life will have PEACE, DIRECTION, STABILITY, CONVICTION and JOYFUL ASSURANCE of Life Everlasting in Heaven with Me.
Satan has total freedom to dominate your world. Without the Power of the Holy Spirit and My Word, everyone is vulnerable.