Dear Child, I Am Who Am, the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega.
I Am the ONE to get to KNOW. Of all the people and historic incidents, of all the interesting places to see and knowledge to acquire, things to achieve; of all this, there is but ONE THAT IS TRULY EVERLASTINGLY CRUCIAL for you to become fluently familiar. That is ME! When it is all over, this relationship with ME is the ONLY important factor that will close the deal for where you spend ALL ETERNITY. It would behoove you to take the time you still have, and that could be five minutes or fifty years. But, if at the end of it, you have not dealt with learning to TRUST ME, then your fate is sealed forever. Now let Me remind you, I HAVE MY ARMS WIDE OPEN TO YOU. I WANT TO BE YOUR SAVIOR, not only for Eternity, but NOW in your daily life. I want to help you maneuver through life with blessings and precious help and guidance from My Holy Spirit. Think about it! I created you because I LOVE you and I want to BLESS you in your life NOW and in the NEXT.
Why would I create you just to destroy you? I love you and want you with Me forever. Please think on these things!
…your fate is sealed forever!