(Dear Lord, Your Power is tremendous and we get to see it each time we give our Will over to You, each time we surrender to Your guidance and wisdom in our circumstances and in the decisions we have to make. All I know is that when I do things Your Way, I always win and have Your Peace in the process. To see You move in and through my thinking and actions is incredible to witness. I am always blown away experiencing Your Divine intervention.)
Dear Children, I am hoping more of you will TRUST ME enough to allow Me to show My Power in your lives. I love you and I want to give you advice and leadership that brings you blessings from your Father in Heaven. This is His Joy. Come to Me when uncertainty pervades. Let Me lead you down the best road. This road will not only save you from a lot of mistakes, but it will, more importantly, bring you closer to Me and the realization of My tremendous LOVE for you.
…will save you from a lot of mistakes…