(Lord, I am in awe of what you are doing through me. I know what is being done is strictly through my FAITH in You and the POWER of the Holy Spirit.)
My Child, this work will be of benefit to many. You needn ‘t be concerned about that though. You already know the Father has a Plan and your efforts will be profitable for the Kingdom. Your right, the strength and drive to keep going is being spurred by the Power in you, promised to you because of OBEDIENCE. Remember, I said you would be given all you needed to accomplish the task at hand. You are witnessing this as you work. I have been waking you early and driving you to work late. The souls I am longing to reach will benefit by all your work.
(Lord, I don ‘t have the words to say how much I love You and thank You for bringing me to a place where I could be a part of this Plan of the Father to bring in the Harvest. Thank You for giving me the understanding of computer operation to accomplish this job and the young man to help me get set up. Thank You for using me to serve You as I asked five or six years ago. I dedicated the rest of my life to Your service at that time, but little did I know what a big job You had in mind for me. T.Y.J.) Yes, My Child, and I have much more for all My faithful Children to do before you all can go Home to Heaven. Stay close to Me; pray, listen and obey!
..the strength and drive to keep going is being spurred by the Power in you, promised to you because of OBEDIENCE.