To learn to live practicing SURRENDER, TRUST, and PRAISE is to live a joyful, peaceful life on earth. STP always puts our focus back on Jesus, off the problem or question, thus allowing the Holy Spirit the freedom to work in the situation, while My Children rest in His Love peacefully and with confident joy.
To really and truly let go of your problem proves you really and truly–deeply–completely–TRUST that your God will take care of it perfectly according to My Will. To maintain this state of mind–PEACE & JOY in TIMES of TROUBLE–PRAISE JESUS for the problem. PRAISE Me for the situation EXACTLY the way it is right NOW, with all its pain and darkness. Why? You can do this because you TRUST ME COMPLETELY! Your worry and fear will be replaced with confident PEACE and JOY. As long as you PRAISE JESUS, Satan cannot torment you. You are FREE to rest and wait for God ‘s PERFECT TIMING and WILL.
You are free to rest and wait for God ‘s PERFECT TIMING and WILL.