(Thank You, Lord, for the sounds of progress here in my neighborhood. I surrender the lot across the street because I know it will be fantastic, whatever You do. Also, I surrender what, when, or if I should do anything to the front of Your property. Thy Will Be Done! And TYJ for the masonry You sent me to fix the driveway wall. You are so wonderful the way You take care of Your Children.)
Dear Child, this is precisely why My Children can have PEACE in their life. There will always be things that come up, but I am here and I will prepare the way and the solutions. Staying in close contact with Me ensures that you will not miss the Holy Spirit leading you along a Divine Path. This Path is so much easier for you.
If there is a problem on My Path, there is a lesson to be learned, perhaps driving you to TRUST Me more fully. Whatever the reason for the problem, I have allowed it for your greater long-term good. You can ALWAYS KNOW that your BEST interest is at the heart of ALL that I allow. Be in wonderful Heavenly Peace, dear Children of Mine.
If there is a problem on My Path, there is a lesson to be learned; perhaps driving you to TRUST Me more fully.