(Lord Jesus, You said to come to You when I have a problem and I HAVE ONE! I need You to tell me how to do all that I need to do in daily life without running all the time. I never have peace anymore because I’m constantly thinking and planning my next move or moves. There is no break! I never get finished because there is always another project and if I do somehow get to a place of time for rest, I feel I should be working on Your website. I don’t feel that I should be idle or can afford to be and I’m not handling this way of living very well lately.)
(You told me to ask You each day what is Pertinent, Relative or Unnecessary, but I haven’t really done that. Also, in an effort to accomplish all that I require of myself, I have been neglecting prayer time. This is probably why I feel even worse, but there is so much to do everywhere I look and not enough hours in a day to do it all.)
(I need Your help desperately right now! Please tell me if there is something You are trying to teach me through this because I look at all I need to do and don’t really see a way out of the maze. I know Satan is the culprit when I’m in a funk, but it’s hard to think clearly because Satan clouds my thinking. I completely forget to rebuke Satan and to say Your Name, Jesus. Oh brother! I need the Holy Spirit to set me straight on course again. T.Y.J.)
Be still My Child and listen. I am with you all the time; you have forgotten that. There is no place, in My Will for you, where you are busy, busy, busy all the time. Yes, I have a job for each of My Children and I will ask at times that you extend yourselves for Me, but daily this is not so. I created you and I know what you need to be healthy mentally, physically and spiritually. I want you, My Child, to RELY MORE ON ME. Ask Me for My Wisdom and Guidance as you face the many tasks before you. I will tell you, through the Power of the Holy Spirit, how to proceed in Peace.
(Lord, part of my frustration is that the chores I have to do REPEATEDLY that I normally did without thinking have become a burden because I feel that doing your work is so much more important and I’d rather be thinking of how I could be encouraging others, helping others, thinking and praying for others, but, no, I have to be doing all these repetitious, mundane, meaningless chores that take up far too much of my time daily. I’ve been getting up earlier, going to bed later, but the next day and the next are just as completely full and never can I say, “There, now I’m finished for awhile! ” I don’t know what to do!)
THIS IS SATAN’S PLAN…..confuse, overwhelm, wear down, depress to the point of stopping you in your tracks, stopping your work for Me. Dear Child, do not forget to come screaming to Me, if you feel like it…..JUST COME! Do not let Satan pull you down further and further until you forget to look up to Me, but instead are looking at yourself and the confusion.
I always answer your prayers and I will answer this one. Ask Me, Come to Me QUICKLY! Do not let the mire blind you and get you lost in the fog. Do not wait any longer than it takes for you to realize something is not right with you. Do not keep pushing yourself to succeed to the point of breaking. Motivation is necessary, but pushing yourself when fatigue has its grip on you is NOT MY WILL. I came to give you rest and peace. All things done in MY WILL are accompanied by MY STRENGTH and WISDOM.
You are NOT in My Will if you are exhausted, overwhelmed, and pushing yourself to the limit. In obedience, ask Me each day after listing what you think you need to do. I will show you clearly which are Pertinent, Relative or Unnecessary. I can give you perfect peace from the Father, IF you will OBEY. Come to Me; I always have an answer for your problems that is in YOUR best interest because I love you, dear Children. Go in Peace now and LIVE in My Wisdom and Strength instead of your own. (Thank You, Jesus!!)
I completely forget to rebuke Satan and to say YOUR NAME, JESUS.