Dear Child, I am going to show those who want to know Me all the mercy they require, if they Come to Me with a humble heart desiring to join the Family of God. You Children, who already have experienced My Divine Love on your life, are to be messengers to whomever and wherever the Holy Spirit leads you.
I need soldiers in My Army who are willing to lay down their life for My Saving Message. Each day, do all that you hear in your heart from the Holy Spirit. He is following the path laid out for you by your Father in Heaven. In My name, Jesus, you have been given all the courage, leadership, servanthood, mercy, and love you will ever need as you step out of your comfort zone in obedience. I am always with you and I will always let you know what to do, what to say, and how to LOVE in all situations.
I need soldiers in My Army who are willing to lay down their life for My Saving Message.