(Lord, thank You so much for this beautiful vacation. Thank You for your spectacular ocean. Its vastness and beauty gives us only a small glimpse into that of Heaven. Thank You for the array of colors You painted across the sky and water. We have never seen such beauty.)
My Children are My Wonder. I look at you, My Children, with the awe with which you look at the greatness of My creation. You are My creation too and I see you as spectacular, especially when you give Me your life and everydays problems. Let Me show My Love for you so that you can tell others. Turn to Me FAST! I will give you something, many many things each day to share with others to let them know what I will do for them. Be ever present to Me so I can show you My Presence in every moment of your life. Look with excitement at what I do next to show you how close I am to your every breath.
I will give you something…each day to share with others to let them know what I will do for them.