My precious Children can come to Me for everything. I love for you to depend on Me. I want to make life easier for you. Even though I ask for your complete dedication and your trust to carry out tasks you are uncomfortable with, I can make it easy… can make them easy, if you will just TOTALLY and completely TRUST in ME with ALL YOUR HEART. I would never let you down when you are acting in My stead out of obedience to the Father ‘s Will.
No one need be concerned about the future either. My Plan is PERFECT…..absolutely PERFECT! Nothing will be ALLOWED to happen to those who are in My PERFECT WILL unless it is for the good of all and in the Father ‘s Plan. Rest in this assurance. Maybe someday you will be to a place of unwavering faith… a child who accepts what he ‘s told as fact. THIS IS WHAT I REQUIRE! This kind of FAITH brings about many Miracles because this kind of FAITH does not question…..just accepts as fact what is told, what is promised, what is expected. This kind of FAITH requires TOTAL TRUST! You can have this kind of TRUST in ME. I have proven it to you many times in your life. Fall back on those times for renewed fervor in Me.
This kind of FAITH brings about Miracles…does not question, just accepts what is told, what is promised, what is expected.