We may think we ‘re doing everything right.
We serve others in need, offer comfort to the troubled, give to those who have little, tell about Jesus and His Saving Grace in different ways. Our actions prove who we serve, the ONE and ONLY GOD of Heaven and earth. (However, are we doing what is most important to our Lord? Are we spending time in WORSHIP, in His presence ALONE with Him? Do we really talk to Him about our lives? Do we tell Him how much His LOVE and SACRIFICE means to us personally and THANK Him for what He went through for us? (Do we give our time, our full attention, our heart, will, and desires to Him to WORSHIP Him in all His Glory? How much, how often do we express His wonderment, our gratitude for all He has done for us, for His LOVE, and the gift of the precious Holy Spirit to comfort, guide, and help us grow closer to Him? (WORSHIP YOUR FIRST LOVE ALL DAY LONG! SEEK THE FATHER’s PATH FOR YOU ALL THROUGH EACH DAYS ACTIVITIES. SEEK HIS WILL AND PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE TO EXPERIENCE THE WONDERMENT OF HOW CLOSE TO YOUR EVERY BREATH AND SITUATION HE IS AND HOW READY HE IS TO GIVE YOU THE ASSURANCE OF HIS PEACE, LOVE, AND PERFECT PLAN NO MATTER WHAT’s GOING ON. THANK YOU, JESUS!!!)
How would you answer these?