(Dear Father, please have mercy on us. We need Your protection from evil approaching us more and more in everyday life. There doesn ‘t seem to be reverence for anything anymore. I cannot imagine what it will be like if Satan has free reign. The Believers will suffer and the non-believers will be doomed. We don ‘t want that and I know You don ‘t. You have already gone through so much for us.)
Dear Child, hold onto Me with all your heart and all your might. I am holding out My Hand to all of you who TRUST Me and live for Me. Take My Hand. As long as we are ONE, you will be full of My Assurance, Peace, and Confidence. You will KNOW that I am at the exact point of your need and will NEVER let go of you. Whatever the Father decrees necessary to reach mankind, to save mankind, you must desire also. His Will is always for the greater good and, because you TRUST HIM COMPLETELY, that should be what you want too. Go in Peace worshiping the Father of Life, knowing He loves and cares for you providing your every breath.
Whatever the Father decrees necessary to reach mankind…