Dear Jesus, please give us stronger hope for this new year.
(2020 has been different from any in most of our lifetimes. Please give us a deeper insight into what You want us to glean from this. Please promote introspection so that we don ‘t just fall back into our previous habits and lifestyle. Please draw us to look into what You are saying and revealing to us in our hearts.
(This is not all there is! Some would have us believe that it doesn ‘t matter what we do or don ‘t do because when we ‘re gone, we ‘re gone and that’s that. More false words have never been spoken! My heart goes out to anyone who believes this lie.
(We have one chance and one chance only to find the true and prevailing purpose for our existence. There is nothing happenstance about your walking, talking, breathing…existing. You were created by the Almighty Being who wants you to get to know Him and ultimately join Him in His Heavenly Home after you die.
(This is not something that happens automatically though, because your Almighty Loving Father wants this to be up to you. He wants you to CHOOSE Him of your own FREEWILL. After all, what good is someone’s love if it’s forced on them. No, He wants us to freely love Him. And when we do decide to learn more about Him, He allows us to truly feel and know how much He loves us.
(Search your heart, one and all. Are you just going through the motions striving to barely keep up with all your responsibilities? Do you think to yourself, “Is all this effort worth it? ”
Do you feel your life is slipping away and you DON ‘T GET TO DO anything that you really WANT TO DO? A life lived without an intimate relationship with your Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ His Son, is a life filled with stress, weariness, doubt, bewilderment, hopelessness, overindulgence, and various forms of depression.
(Don ‘t be left out in the cold! Don’t be left behind! At least make it your business to find out what I ‘m talking about. Make a decision to start reading the Holy Bible a little each day, slowly, thoughtfully, beginning with Matthew, chapter 1. There you will learn what Jesus did, why He did it, what He is doing right now in the lives of those who KNOW Him, and what He will do in the future. At least, after time you will be able to make a decision from a point of TRUTH instead of conjecture…..a decision that will effect you for ALL ETERNITY…..forever and ever.)
Do you really know enough to decide?