Dear Child, I need all of you to commit yourselves to obedience. In these times of Satan’s influence escalating, your service is crucial. I need devoted, steadfast believers at the ready each and everyday, even each moment of the day, to touch others with My tender powerful LOVE. This is the greatest tool you have! Being impowered by My Holy Spirit, you are to touch people with My LOVE leaving a lasting impression on their lives.
Your path has been drawn by Me. I am sadened when I see so many wasted opportunities where My LOVE could have been expressed. The length of time involved is not the source of the depth of your influence. This is the Holy Spirit’s job. Yours is OBEDIENCE! Talk to Me and ask Me to heighten your awareness. I will because I love you, dear Children of the King.
In these times of Satan’s influence escalating, your service is crucial.