My Children need Me to bring in the Harvest. If you stay close to Me, you will hear My Voice and, if you obey My CALLING, you will see the Miracle Power of My Grace flowing across the earth in unprecedented volume touching multitudes of lost souls… them a chance to know Me more deeply and choose to join the army of defenders of My Word sent to them from the Father.
Only those who dedicate themselves to this cause, will experience the overwhelming magnificence of Supernatural Power released through them on this earth. Only those will see Me as I really am. Be prepared to go when I say go, stay when I say stay, pray when I say pray. My Children are the most powerful tool the Father has given Me for bringing in the Harvest.
PRAY, SACRIFICE, CALL ON ME TO STRENGTHEN YOU. I will enable you to perform any tasks put before you by My Angels. TRUST and OBEY and SEE.
I will enable you to perform any tasks put before you by My Angels.