(Dear Jesus, thank You for letting me come to You for help and guidance in everything I do. Life is so much easier because I can come to You and ask what the best course of action is. What a relief! This takes all the pressure off. However, sometimes I think I have laid down my Will in a situation, but haven’t, and this makes it much harder to hear Your Voice in my heart. So I have learned that when I have asked Your help, think I’ve heard Your direction, BUT STILL DON’T HAVE PEACE, then I KNOW I have NOT LET GO of my Will and truly desire Your Will above all. When I finally do that, I have perfect PEACE and CLEAR direction I can count on. What a wonder You are to love us so much, to be so close to us in everyday life situations. Oh, dear Jesus, thank You! Dear Father, thank You for giving us the Holy Spirit to comfort and guide us all through our days on this earth!) Dear Child, My Children are My treasure. When you come to Me for help, I cannot resist. I must give you My Best because I love you. (T.Y.J.)
When you come to Me, I cannot resist.