(Dear Jesus, do You still want me to do all this typing and writing? Sometimes I just feel it is a waste of time, but on the other hand, when I am doing it, I feel the absolute best. My frame of mind is better; my life seems to go better and I am a better person.)
Well, My Child, you have listed reasons enough to continue writing and typing, but I have a reason also. The Plan of the Father for your life can only come to completion if you do your part and that is OBEDIENCE. The work of the Father can only be carried out through His Children. This should say it all.
You do not have to know or understand anything. YOU ONLY HAVE TO OBEY to do your part. It is up to you, but REMEMBER that someday you will face the Father and have to answer for your actions and inactions.
…someday you will…answer for your actions and inactions.