Dear Children, when you need to know what to do in a situation and you come to Me asking Me to tell you what you should do, this is how to hear Me. SURRENDER what YOU WANT TO DO in the situation. To hear Me, you must LET GO of what you really WANT to do. When you TRUST Me and you have LET GO, you will know clearly My Will for you when you need to know. If you do not get a clear answer, it is because your Will is fighting what I am telling you. When you feel you are not getting an answer, it is because YOU CANNOT HEAR ME OVER YOUR OWN DESIRE. In this state, you have no peace. LET GO to clearly know the best coarse of action in any given situation. I will NEVER let My Children down when they come to Me for help and guidance.
Your Peace will resound in your heart as you await My answer, which will always come by the time you need to know.