(Have mercy, Dear Lord.)
Yes, I always have mercy because I know My Children are never going to be able to consistantly follow Me. Mans weakness is, however, My Stength. So, just stop in your vulnerable moments, rebuke satan with his lies, and then listen to My reassuring Words from the Father. Until you are ready to go again, Praise and Worship Me, knowing I will lead you where you should go. Listening to the negative words of satan will cripple you. Don ‘t give him a place in your mind…..rebuke him IMMEDIATELY! Be in Praise all day long; say My Name, Jesus, listen to My guidance and receive My Strength to carry out the Father ‘s Will in your life. THIS YOU MUST ANSWER FOR SOMEDAY! My Will for you: Pray, walk, do the job before you from the Father. Your life will then be at PEACE. (T.Y.J.)
…stop in your vulnerable moments, rebuke satan…listen to My reassuring Words from the Father.