(Thank You, Jesus, for healing Sasha.)
Dear Child, it is good. Come to Me with all your concerns. I am your deliverer, healer, protector, etc. I am all you need. Have mercy, patience, and love in your heart for everyone. Slow down your agenda to see the faces and hearts before you. They need you in some way or another. Be there for them as led by the Holy Spirit. Yes, I know I am repeating Myself, but you are in training and until you develop these skills, I will be reminding you on and on. The way you treat people directly reflects on Me! You must learn to be attentive, discerning, patient, gentle, and loving in attitude, word, and action. (Oh brother, this is a tall order!) Yes I know, but you are not going to accomplish this alone. The Holy Spirit is your teacher and coach. His Grace is all you need, BUT, you must be willing and dedicated to learning. Go in peace, My Child.
The way you treat people directly reflects on Me!