He is close to all who call on Him sincerely.
He fulfills the desires of those who reverence and trust Him. He hears their cries for help and rescues them. He protects all those who love Him.”I will Praise the Lord…forever and ever.” (Oh dear Jesus, thank You for what You did for me. Because of YOUR SELFLESS LOVE for all of us, we can have unwavering confidence no matter what comes along in our life. We can be at Peace knowing that You allowed it and that IF WE TRUST YOU, You will work it out for our good with the bonus of our getting to see how faithful You are and how perfectly YOUR PLAN works. Ultimately, the greatest outcome is that we are DRAWN even CLOSER to YOU and actually FEEL YOUR LOVE even DEEPER in our being.
(The result of this experience is the assurance we receive for our future on this earth. This assurance is priceless because we can unequivocally say, “I love You and trust You with my life. ” The PEACE that comes from this relationship with You, dear Jesus, is most important to me. Thank You so much for calling me to You, for patiently waiting for me to respond, never giving up on me, and for having a place for me in Heaven with You when I die. Thank You for even now feeling that I’m in Your Presence every moment of the day. This makes it easy to TRUST YOU and THANK YOU for everything just the way it is because I KNOW YOU ARE IN CONTROL. I LOVE YOU!)
Thank You for even now feeling I’m in Your Presence every moment of the day!