(Holy God, we praise Thy Name!)
Dear Child, your honoring Me is as the aroma after the rain or the splender of a field of Heavenly flowers. Praise and worship in honor of your faith in Me is beyond wonderful. Let the world see this wonder in you. Let them see how cared for, how loved, how peaceful you are and then tell them why as often as the Holy Spirit leads. Only in My name, Jesus, will this be fruitful, so be sure to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He paves the way by preparing people. Having been chosen by the Father, they are given an opportunity to hear the message of Salvation and choose life or death for Eternity. Look for children to enlighten concerning My Saving Power. I will always assist you in My Spirit led service. (T.Y.J.)
Only in My Name, Jesus, will this be fruitful…