My Child, are you going to look at Me AS SOON AS frustration comes your way? If you do, you can ward off anger, ugliness, and guilt before it takes place. I am always here. I only need to hear My Name, Jesus, to be at your rescue. It does not matter what it is, if it is a problem for you, CALL ON ME. I can give you the wisdom of the Holy Spirit which enables you to think clearly and not fall into satans trap. MOMENT BY MOMENT—-SEE ME WITH YOU.
Yell for Me like you would yell for some person on earth to help you. You will hear My Name too and this immediately gives you peace. Yelling is not necessary, even thinking My Name is enough. But, if you need to bad enough, yelling just lets you hear and realize that I am here already. Satan will get the picture too, that We are ONE AND HE HAS NO POWER OVER YOU. (Praise You, Jesus. Please Holy Spirit, please help me to remember this, so I do not let things upset me. T.Y.J.)
It doesn’t matter what it is—if it is a problem for you—CALL ON ME.