(Holy God, we Praise Thy Name! Thank You for all Your abundant Blessings…..even the little tiniest desires of our hearts.)
Maybe man will BEGIN to realize to some extent the vastness of My Love for him. I only want your love and trust in return. There is no one who cares about your every need and desire like I do AND I know them even before you do.
Life with Me is entirely different. You are in the world, but not subject to the world. When you obey Me in loving others, putting Me FIRST in your desires and seek Me daily, you will automatically be obeying the laws of man, BUT for a much higher motive. Your motive is 100% the criteria by which you are judged. Your motive cannot be faked. My Children, live close to Me, desiring only good for others and keep your heart clean of hatred, envy and revenge. I love you dearly; go in Peace with My Blessing.
…live close to Me, desiring only good for others and keep your heart clean of hatred, envy and revenge.