Thinking on things I tell you will enable you to understand My serious need for your help. This world is not your home. But passing through it is very important because, while you are here, you are being nurtured, trained and tested. Heaven is a wondrous place and to live in the presence of the Father is not a gift for everyone.
I know all things; I know who will choose Me and who will not. Those who do give Me their lives will receive the free gift of Salvation and Life Everlasting in Heaven. Those who deny Me will not be given this gift.
While on earth, what you do with your life leaves a tremendous legacy because without your devotion and obedience others will have no chance at receiving this gift of Everlasting Life in Heaven. YOUR EXISTENCE IS NOT BY CHANCE. You have a special place to fill…..special jobs to do.
You have a special place to fill…special jobs to do.