Pray all the time. Pray for the unsaved and for the Chosen. The world is battling for My Children and I do not want to loose a single one. Pray for their courage to stand up for what they believe and for their diligence in seeking My Will for their life.
You can only be close to the Father to the degree of your selflessness, which creates a propensity to give up your will for Mine. I want to use all of you. Each one of you has an important role in the Salvation of the world. Come to Me daily to learn and be made ready to carry out the tasks set down by the Father for your life.
You say you want to serve Me, but you will not give Me the time to teach you how. Give Me your heart and time. Let Me bring you into a place of Glorious service to your Heavenly Father. This is the real purpose for your existence on earth and you will not be fulfilled unless you prioritize learning and carrying out your part.
You say you want to serve Me, but you will not give Me the time to teach you how.