My dear Child, your prayers have been heard and are being answered according to the Father’s timing. Those you have prayed for will have a renewed life because of all their loved one’s prayers. I honor My Children’s faith in Me, so be in Peace now Praising and Thanking your Father.
Living on this earth is hard because everything tries to deny Me. EVIL RULES, if you allow it in your life. Do everything you can to resist and avoid contact with evil. Use My Word, your powerful weapon, to conquer Satan and his influences. Rebuke Him in My Name, Jesus Christ. Speak Scripture–My Words–to him and put him in his place—back in Hell away from you. Quote My WORD to him with the authority I have given you.
This is what David said to Goliath. “You come to me with sword and spear, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of the armies of Heaven and of Israel, the very God you defied. Today, the LORD WILL CONQUER YOU!” (1 Samuel 17:45-46)
Do everything you can to resist and avoid contact with evil. Use My Word, your powerful weapon, to conquer Satan.