(Lord Jesus, I Love You! I thank You for all the good and difficult things in my life because I Trust You, Rely on You, and KNOW You are faithful. I Worship You because I Love You!)
Dear Child, let your heart be carefree. You KNOW I am leading, comforting, and teaching you. I am maturing your Faith in Me each time I ask you to wait on something to be completed. By your patience, I am able to grow you up and make a tremendous step in developing Your Trust of Me. Each trial is an opportunity for growth.
Think of a child learning to walk. He must work to get up on two feet, then falls. Eventually, the child is up and now struggling to maintain balance. After many falls, he is up and now feeling ready. He takes a step or two just to find himself down again. Finally after many tries, he stands firm and walks with joy at the achievement.
This scenario took PATIENCE and COURAGE. This process is similar to your walk with Me. However, the more you seek My help and wisdom through prayer and My Word, the easier hard times will be to overcome and the quicker you will be enveloped in My Peace. Come to Me often, Surrender to Me, and Worship Me. All the grand Blessings I have are yours when you show your love for Me in your daily life through LOVE for others, TRUST, WORSHIP, and SERVICE to your Father in Heaven.
I am maturing your Faith in Me each time I ask you to wait on something to be completed.