(Dear Lord God, Your gifts of Love, Peace, and Forgiveness are the most wonderful part of life. Without these, we all would be lost, lonely, and miserable. It doesn’t matter how many people may be around a person, without You as our constant loving companion, life is empty and lonely.
(Thank You Father, for giving us Your Son, Jesus. Thank You Jesus, for obeying Your Father and giving Yourself as a sacrifice for us. Thank You Jesus, for giving us the Holy Spirit so we could be taught to be one with You and given His comforting Peace. Thank You for Your gifts of Love, Peace, and Forgiveness.)
Dear Child, with all I have provided the children of the world, one would think they would seek to know Me. Everything I do is for the good of those who choose to believe in Me and what I sacrificed for them. No matter what I do for some, they will never Come to Me. This saddens Me.
Dear Children of the King, keep on nourishing those around you. Keep feeding the sheep I send along your path. Do not hold back because of fear of offending someone. Do not be concerned about what they may think of you. You are just to present the Good News and then they must choose to seek the TRUTH of My Love for themselves.
No matter what I do for some, they will never Come to Me